land of the rising sun
I have recently had the huge pleasure and luck to spend a few days in Japan. Despite the relatively short time, I learnt an enormous amount about the country, the religions, the people, the mentality and life there. It was very exciting, interesting and varied, sometimes astonishing and amazing and at other times funny and new for me. I think it's impossible to describe Japan with just a few adjectives. There is so much to see and every day you discover something new.
One thing which I was really impressed with was the honesty of the people and how they find time, even in the hectic atmosphere of a big city, to maintain their traditions, go to a temple or garden, find peace there, pray, ask for the blessings of the gods or maybe only to admire and enjoy the beauty of these things. There is much we can learn from the Japanese, in particular the respect the people have for each other, but also very simple things like waiting for the bus or the underground!
I hope you enjoy the pictures and get a small taste of a very exciting country.
tanoshinde kite kudasai!
Ich hatte das grosse Glück und Vergnügen, ein paar Tage in Japan zu verbringen. Trotz der relativ kurzen Zeit habe ich enorm viel über das Land, die Kultur, die Religionen, die Menschen, ihre Mentalität und das Leben dort gelernt. Es war sehr spannend, interessant, vielfältig, manchmal erstaunlich, verblüffend, wiederum komisch oder ungewohnt. Ich glaube aber es ist unmöglich Japan mit ein paar Adjektiven zu beschreiben. Es gibt so vieles zu sehen und jeden Tag entdeckt man irgendetwas Neues. Was mich besonders fasziniert hat, ist die Ehrlichkeit der Menschen und wie sie trotz der Hektik der Grosstadt, Zeit finden ihre Traditionen zu pflegen, zu einem Tempel oder einem Garten zu gehen, dort zur Ruhe zu kommen, zu beten, die Götter um den Segen zu bitten oder vielleicht auch nur die Schönheit solcher Anlagen zu bewundern und geniessen. Man könnte viel von ihnen lernen, vor allem den Respekt den die Menschen für einander haben, aber auch einfachste Dinge wie das Warten auf den Bus oder die U-Bahn.
Ich hoffe Ihr geniesst die Bilder und kriegt einen kleinen Eindruck von einem sehr spannenden Land.
tanoshinde kite kudasai!
I'd like to say very big arigato gozaimasu to:
My friend Hiroshi for guiding me around, for showing me all the beautiful places and having a great time and lots of fun together. Family Kuwata for the great hospitality and the delicious food. Kauri for driving me around (I don't know how many hours!) and for having a great day together. Yuko for travelling all the way down from Yokohama just to see me, having a great time together and telling me interesting things about Japanese customs and culture. Finally, to the lady at the airport for stopping the bus for me and all the very friendly people in Osaka, Kyoto and Kobe.
Without any of you it wouldn't have been half as good as it was and this little gallery wouldn't exist now.
arigato gozaimasu
Kiyomizu Temple at sunset/Kyoto
photographs at the bottom
Stefan Rothen
All content copyright © 2006 Stefan Rothen. All images on this webpage are owned soley by Stefan Rothen
All content copyright © 2005 Stefan Rothen. All images on this webpage are owned soley by Stefan Rothen